0141 374 2395

TG Tool Hire

Health & Safety Policy Statement

“The TG Tool Hire Health and Safety Mission is to continually improve, develop and effectively implement policies and procedures ensuring the well-being of our colleagues, customers and the general public to enhance our reputation and so achieve Commercial benefit”.

General Policy Statement

It is the policy of TG Tool Hire Limited to:

  • Comply with current Statute law and other requirements in UK operations
  • To provide safe plant and equipment suitable to meet customers’ requirements
  • Prevent work related injury and ill health
  • Provide a place of work that is safe and with minimal risk to the health and welfare of all our colleagues, customers, contractors, members of associated companies and the general public

  • Identify hazards and assess risks that can be foreseen and ensure that appropriate protective and preventative measures are implemented for our colleagues, customers, independent contractors and the general public
  • Institute in each work place written safety plans and procedures
  • Identify and provide appropriate training and ensure competence
  • Involve all of our colleagues with health and safety and make safety an integral part of everyone’s role and accountability
  • Set objectives in annual appraisals and drive continuous improvements to health, safety and welfare performance and allocate the required resources
  • Monitor the performance of safety objectives and activities against this policy statement

This policy will be available as a “Master Copy” on the company Intranet and also be available for customers on request from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.